Cancer Immunotherapy: What the non-oncology physicians need to know?
Dr. Muhammad N. Siddique is one of the most highly qualified cancer doctors in Lahore.
Until about 10 years ago, chemotherapy was the only meaningful option to treat most advanced malignancies. In the past two decades, rigorous research work has expanded treatment options by bringing forth immunotherapy and targeted therapy. Nivolumab was the first approved check point inhibitor (a form of immunotherapy), by US FDA in 2011. Its approval was granted for use in metastatic melanoma, for which really no meaningful therapy existed prior to that. Soon afterwards new drugs were developed. Cooperative research groups worked globally and with the help of collaborative trials very soon immunotherapy was confirmed to be useful in multiple other malignancies. Now, it is in widespread use for lung cancers, skin cancers, GI cancers, head and neck cancers, brain tumors, GU cancers, breast cancers, lymphoma, GYN malignancies etc.