cancer screening
This is the most important but unfortunately also the most neglected aspect of cancer care. Screening can potentially diagnose cancer at an early stage translating into earlier treatment initiation leading to better treatment outcomes. However, not every person should undergo screening for every type of cancer. Our qualified cancer specialist devises screening strategy on the basis of scientific data, expert guidelines and most importantly in the light of every patient’s individual circumstances also keeping in view international guidelines.
preventive care
Curative treatment
In the fortunate cases where cancers are caught in an earlier phase we are able to offer curative treatment strategies employing surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiotherapy. It is important to note that even after complete surgical removal of cancers, most but not all patients, require additional treatments to prevent cancer recurrence. We encourage all cancer patients to consult a qualified medical oncologist in order to determine what therapies are needed, and in what sequence, to maximize treatment outcomes.
Chemotherapy, (commonly known as chemo), is a treatment approach that utilizes oral medications and injectable drugs for treatment of cancer. Some cancers need only chemotherapy while in others it is used in addition to radiotherapy and surgery. Depending upon type and stage of cancer it is used before or after surgery as well as it can be used before or after radiotherapy. Chemotherapy can have complications but we monitor our patients closely under the expertise of our highly qualified Oncologist to avoid side effects and maximize benefits. Chemotherapy administration requires accurate dose calculation and rate of administration which is ensured by our trained oncology pharmacists as well as oncology nurses.
palliative care
Palliative care is a type of medical approach where various treatment modalities are utilised to control the symptoms of uncontrolled spread of cancer. Unfortunately despite all efforts cancer treatments may fail to control the disease. Our medical oncologist and ancillary staff work devotedly to control cancer symptoms such as pain, nausea/vomiting, constipation, shortness of breath and cachexia. We advise various medications, surgical procedures, and radiotherapy to accomplish palliation of symptoms.
high blood counts
Low blood counts
Significantly low hemoglobin, low white cell and low platelet counts can cause serious symptoms such as dangerous infections, internal bleeding, profound weakness, and may pose a threat to vital organs including brain, heart and kidney. There are innumerable causes of low counts ranging from nutritional deficiencies to advanced cancers. At times slightly low counts are incidentally picked up on blood tests and should not be ignored. Our qualified hematologist has a focus on attempting to diagnose at earlier stages so patients can spare significant morbidity and mortality.
Pregnancy and Blood diseases
Abnormal blood counts in pregnant patients need careful hematology evaluation. While there are certain usual changes in blood tests, some abnormal lab parameters could mean serious blood diseases and/or indicate certain pregnancy complications. Pregnant patients can also develop blood clotting and excessive bleeding issues.
Bone marrow disorders
Bone marrow is the major site of blood cell synthesis in adults. In addition to primary bone marrow diseases, bone marrow environment can be affected by various systemic illnesses. Both cancerous and non cancerous disease processes can result in bone marrow failure. Management of these patients is complex and requires the astute approach of well qualified clinical hematologist. We encourage patients and referring physicians to involve us in the care of patient suspected of having blood disorders.
Clotting disorders
Certain blood diseases can lead to increased propensity for blood to clot. These patients can form blood clots leading to occlusion of blood vessels, which can present as sudden swelling of legs or arms. Blood clots can also form in lungs, heart, brain, kidney and other organs leading to serious illness and even sudden death. We encourage all those who have had a personal history of blood clots or a family history of such disorders to be evaluated at our hematology clinic, so we can work with them to reduce any further risk of blood clots.
Bleeding disorders
blood cancers
Blood cancers can develop at any age. They can develop suddenly or as a complication of antecedent blood disorders such as red cell disorders, platelet diseases and white cell disorders. There is a range of different treatment options to manage these disorders. Timely diagnosis and precise disease characterization are the key for successful treatment. Some patients can achieve complete cure, but time is of the essence.